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Hikikomori Tettyo Saito 済東鉄腸 schreibt Literatur auf Rumänisch und firmiert u.a. unter dem Label EU-Bungaku

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

"Tettyo Saito is an up-and-coming author in the Romanian literature world, writing and publishing novels in the Romanian language.

But the 30-year-old resident of Chiba Prefecture’s Ichikawa has never visited the European country. He has learned to speak Romanian and write in the language on his own.

 In fact, he is a "hikikomori," or social recluse. 

Saito describes himself as “a Japanese novelist who writes novels and poems in Romanian while living in Japan.”

“The story of how I, a 'hikikomori' who rarely leaves Chiba, became a novelist in Romanian without going aboard even once” is the title of Saito's autobiography.

The book sold more than 10,000 copies in the three months following its publication."


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