"Hiromi Marissa Ozaki, better known by her pseudonym Sputniko!, is a British/Japanese artist, designer and entrepreneur. She specializes in the field of speculative and critical design. She is known for her films and multimedia installation works inspired by emerging technologies' possible impact on society and values - with a focus on gender issues. (Wikipedia)
Auch Sputniko! ist eine bislang in der japanologischen Arbeit unentdeckt gebliebene binationale Künstlerin, die sich auf der Basis spekulativen Designs mit Zukunftstechnologien und Geschlechterrollen auseinandersetzt.
(Sputniko! is a British/Japanese artist, designer and entrepreneur specialising in the field of speculative and critical design.Her video work and multimedia installations span a wide variety of themes from biotechnology, gender performance to interspecies communication. Employing science and technology to actively investigate contemporary society and social values, Sputniko!’s work stimulates discussions regarding the cultural, social, and ethical implications of emerging technologies).